Washing Instructions
Not only are GORE-TEX? garments built to last, they are easy to care for. Routine care will ensure excellent performance and extend their useful life. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s care instructions ─ typically found on the inside tag.
If you still have questions after reading the information below, contact Gore Customer Service at 1-800-GORE-TEX.
Before laundering your garment, zip the front closure, pockets and pit zips completely, and fasten all flaps and straps. Be sure to follow the garment manufacturer’s instructions to ensure high performance.

Machine wash on a warm permanent press cycle (105º F/40º C) using a small amount of liquid detergent. Rinse twice, minimize spinning to reduce creasing. Do not use powder detergents or any products that contain fabric softeners, conditioners, stain removers or bleach as they will affect garment performance. Do not wash with heavily soiled clothing.

Do not use chlorine bleach.

Line dry your garment, or tumble dry it on a warm, gentle cycle. once it is dry, tumble dry your garment for 20 minutes to reactivate the durable water-repellent (DWR) treatment on the outer fabric.

If unable to tumble dry, iron the dry garment on gentle setting (warm, no steam) by placing a towel or cloth between the garment and the iron. This will help reactivate the DWR treatment on your garment’s outer fabric.

Gore recommends home laundering. If professional dry cleaning is necessary, request that the cleaner use clear distilled hydrocarbon solvent for rinsing and then spray DWR on the garment’s outer fabric before drying. Follow garment manufacturer’s instructions.

When the factory applied treatment can no longer be reactivated, apply a new water-repellent treatment available as a pump-spray or wash-in product to the garment's outer fabric.
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