
Transferable Discover Pass Imminent

NaNo+AlphaGo 2012. 3. 16. 10:33

반가운 뉴스 한가지... 그돈안 논란이됐든 Discover Pass가 두대의 차량에서 쓸수있는 법안이 상원을 통과해 주지사의 싸인만 남았다네요.. 이글을 올리는순간 했을지도 모르고.. 암튼 여러분이 갖고계신 Pass 에 추가할 차량의 번호를 여러분이 직접써서 즉시 사용할수 있다네요.. 아래는 따끈따끈한 후래쉬한 관련기삽니다.



Transferable Discover Pass Imminent

Last summer when WTA asked hikers what change they most wanted to see in the Discover Pass, the universal answer was the ability to transfer the pass between vehicles. Good news! Your legislators heard you. A bill that will do just that is sitting on Governor Gregoire's desk awaiting her signature.

The new law will:

Make the $30 Discover Pass transferable between two vehicles;

Add a $50, universally transferable Discover Pass;

Let purchasers choose a start date for their Discover Pass.

Here is more good news. This law will go into effect the moment the governor signs it and it is retroactive.

That means you can scrawl the license plate number of your secondary vehicle on your current Discover Pass right away. There are more details to this new law. Find them out here. If you want more information about what exactly the Discover Pass is and how it differs from the Northwest Forest Pass and other passes,

check out WTA's Recreation Pass Information page.